Value Time to Make a Difference

Time is the real currency. The only spiritual currency equally allocated by the creator. The daily 24 hours are the same for all. The span of lifetime fades away when compared to the importance of span of 24 hours, simply because each span of 24 hours together creates a lifetime. Be it animals, trees, humans or any other being in the universe, 24 hours remain the same.

Anyhow, we are more concerned about humans here. What do we do with these 24 hours? How do we see them? Simply put, how do we see time? What is our perception of time? Do we view it as a resource? A valuable resource? Or are we busy spending time without realizing its value?

Value Time to Make a Difference

Common knowledge says we are particular about storage and usage of whatever we consider as precious. Any material whether it has a monetary value or not but which we consider dear to us, we preserve it with extra care.

For instance, an article which belonged to our grandparents or parents, to which we are sentimentally attached and may never want to part with, despite the fact that it may have no monetary value. Simply put, our sentiments bring value to those old articles. Money loses significance in comparison.

But what about TIME? One can neither create it nor hoard it. It is the only resource which we all spend equally. Though how we spend it makes all THE difference.


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